Healing Rank 4

Healing Rank 4
List: Mage Basic Career
Cost: 2
Prereqs: Healing Rank 3, 75 Power Points, level 7
Skill Type: Arcane
Tagged: No
Purchase: Once
Duration: Constant


Rank 4:

Spell Verbal: I Draw Upon the Earth to Aid Me and...

  • …Heal This Life and Reclaim This Spirit.        12 Power Points      Instant.
    • This spell will restore a character back to life from the Brink of Death and leaves them at 1 Body Point; the Death System is not used. Heal Life must be cast on the character’s body within 5 minutes – 10 minutes if the character has the Coma skill – of their character going to the Brink of Death. The character’s body must be relatively intact and the head must be attached.
    • Heal Life will only work on a character once per day – a period of time from 7am to 7am the next day. When you cast Heal Life on a character, you should write “Life” on their Character Card along with the date, time and your initials; this allows another player to verify whether the character has already been lifed earlier that day. If the spell is cast on a character twice in the same day, the second use has no effect.
    • A character restored by a Heal Life is restored to the state of health they had when last alive: broken limbs, diseases, amnesia, insanity, intoxication, etc. The Heal Life spell is not a substitute for any other spell of the Healing school.
    • Heal Life is the equivalent of a Kill spell to an undead. If a character has been turned into an undead and then killed, Heal Life will not restore the character.
    • The difference between this spell and Return Spirit is that Return Spirit will work on a body no matter how long the character has been dead, restores the character to full Body Points, and requires use of the death system; Heal Life only works within a limited amount of time, restores the character to 1 Body Point, and does not use the Death System.
    • This spell cast upon a living character, a character that is Bleeding to Death, or a character who is Mortally Wounded has no effect and does not use up that character’s ability to receive a Life spell for that day.


  • Purge This Death Slave of Their Necromantic Taint and Restore Their Will        20 Power Point        Instant
    • This spell will turn a character that has been made a Death Slave back to life and at the Brink of Death. They begin their Death Count normally and must receive the appropriate healing in the normal time.


  • …Heal This Person and Restore Them to Full Health.        14 Power Points      Permanent.
    • This spell is considered Lost Magic.
    • This spell will totally restore the target character’s Body Points. Additionally, this spell will also act as a Purify Blood, Heal Mind, Heal Body, and Heal Limb spells. Additionally, for the last three effects, all ailments or limbs are restored, not just one as in the spells of the same name.
    • This spell will not heal a person’s Body Points if they are past the Bleeding to Death stage, however the rest of the spell will still take affect normally.
    • This spell does 50 direct Body Points of damage to a character hurt by the element of Life – such as undead characters. Undead characters still take double damage from this spell, i.e. 100 points of damage.

Healing Rank 1
Healing Rank 2
Healing Rank 3

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